Browse Words

Amber Johnson Amber Johnson

Bow to the King

The magnitude of of our breakthrough will match the magnitude of our honor to the King in this moment

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Amber Johnson Amber Johnson

Prophetic Word for 2023

“2023 is the year of promise fulfilled. Don’t be afraid of the shaking… it is the sound of your victory.”

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Amber Johnson Amber Johnson

Sons & Daughters

“An orphan spirit has infiltrated My bride. I have been at work to uproot and remove this spirit, to make way for My Spirit of Adoption to unite Me with My bride…

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Amber Johnson Amber Johnson

They Cannot Go where You are Going

To the one who feels abandoned by the one you never thought would leave, To the one who feels rejected by those who should have had your back, To the one misunderstood by those who should understand…
I heard the Lord say, "They cannot go where you are going."

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Amber Johnson Amber Johnson


Heaven is pregnant with our promises, and as the longing intensifies in an atmosphere of anticipation under the weight of heaven's full term promise pregnancies, I hear the Lord roaring over His people to "Stand!"

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Amber Johnson Amber Johnson

Pure Devotion to Jesus

On May 1, 2022, I had a prophetic dream in which I was in a large church service when I received word that a friend of mine had died. I immediately dropped to my knees…

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words Amber Johnson words Amber Johnson

Jesus is Calling

"Come out from among them, and be separate. Consecrate yourself to Me. I am My beloved's and she is Mine. I have held nothing back from you. Hold nothing back from Me….

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