Book an Inner Healing Session with Amber

Inner healing is different from therapy. In therapy, the therapist has a conversation with the client but in inner healing, the goal is for you to connect with the Holy Spirit. As you share what is on your heart, we will listen for the Holy Spirit to reveal keys to breakthrough and healing. I have seen the Lord bring healing from extreme trauma. It is an honor for me to watch the Holy Spirit do what only He can do.
Also offering Dream Interpretation Sessions
Dreams are one of the #1 ways Amber receives from God and she is passionate about helping others connect to God through dreams too! Interpretation is from God (Gen 40:8). Like an inner healing session, the goal is to connect you to the Holy Spirit and what He is speaking. In a session, Amber will walk you through the dreams of the night that you want to share and she will give you the tools so you can start interpreting on your own!
Sessions are $150/initial session. You will receive a payment link by email upon scheduling. Follow up appointments are $75/session. Initial sessions are generally about 2 hours long. We ask for payment to honor Amber’s time which she takes out of her busy schedule. She makes an effort to give clients the time they need to ensure they receive the healing Jesus has for them.
We also offer a 20 min meet and greet option for $20 so you can see if Amber is a good fit for you. Please specify when scheduling if you want a meet and greet.
Through Jesus, healing is possible no matter what you have walked through. Begin your healing journey today.