A Great Collapse, While the Remnant Gathers

I had a prophetic dream on June 24, 2022 that I have now felt released to share.

In the dream, I crossed a street and came across gang of men who attempted to manipulate me into letting them close to me. They wanted to know my birthday but I wouldn’t tell them. When they couldn’t get what they wanted, they began shooting at me and I ran for cover. I then found myself running past tall buildings and houses that were crumbling to rubble all around me as I ran. I ran into a cellar to try to hide but the debris of crashing buildings came streaming into the cellar threatening to bury me alive. I then was transported in a sort of time lapse so that instead of being trapped inside the cellar, I was standing outside the cellar watching the falling debris fill the cellar from the outside, and I understood someone was still trapped under all that falling debris. I then saw an entire train that had fallen off its tracks also fall, engine first, into the cellar. I continued running as buildings continued to collapse within themselves all around me. I ran to the end of the road and found myself on a hillside. On one side of the road were houses and they were located on the side of the road that went downhill, whereas on the other side of the road was the forest and higher mountains. I ran out onto the roof of a house on the downhill side, but the wave of building destruction then began to reach this house too and the house I was attempting to run on to escape began collapsing beneath my feet. I heard a voice say, “Go to higher ground.” I then was supernaturally transported to the other side of the road where there was mountain and forest and no buildings. I saw a Man coming out of a small cabin carrying a baby. The baby was wrapped in a blue blanket that shielded him from the destruction all around. In the dream, I understood this Man was my Husband and I was thankful that He had the wisdom to shield the baby and take him directly to safety into the forest and not toward the collapsing buildings. The Man turned to head into the forest, and I followed His lead understanding that in the forest we would be safe.



I woke from this dream feeling the heaviness and gravity of what is coming, and I waited on the Lord to reveal the layers of interpretation as well as to guide me as to when to release the dream.

I believe this dream is foretelling what is to come, and it is also meant to be comforting and instructional for the remnant, showing us the means of protection and safety Jesus has for us.

The first part of the dream in which I am running from the evil men who were trying to kill me after I wouldn’t tell them my birthday is I believe representative of the season of warfare the Church has been through in which attempts were made to steal our birthright/inheritance. When we were not able to be manipulated out of what is rightfully ours, the Enemy came in with violent attacks. We are in a moment of transition and this season of warfare is shifting as we now enter the new season in which we will see a great series of collapsing world systems.  



Many structures and entities are going to collapse. In the dream there was a contrast between the man-made buildings and the God-created forest. I understood that in what is coming, everything not built on the foundation of Jesus will fall. Every system and governmental structure established without God permitted to rule as Master Builder will crumble inward upon its shaky foundation. Psalm 127:1 tells us, “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted” (NLT). Everything manmade will fall. Churches and governments and systems designed without Christ as foundation will not remain standing. I asked Holy Spirit for further insight on what kinds of structures specifically will be falling, and He emphasized to me in particular monetary systems and government systems.

There was a contrast in the dream between the underground cellar and the Lord’s instruction to “Go to higher ground.” The cellar is a man-made solution to provide safety from the storm. But in the dream, leaning on man-made means of escape ended in being buried under the weight of the collapsing structures. In contrast, running to the wilderness with Jesus provided safety. As we begin to see the man-made systems fall, the Lord is warning us that we cannot lean to earth’s means of safety and deliverance because even the backup plans and safety plans of the world will be devastated by the structural collapse that is coming. Only those who give up their earthly minded solutions and lean on the wisdom of heaven with complete abandon and dependence on the Lord rather than their own wisdom will be safe.



The cellar is also  a place of hiddenness and darkness. This stood in contrast to the voice of the Lord calling me to go up higher onto the mountain. The Lord is calling us to “come out from among them and be separate” (2 Corinthians 6:17), so He can position us to be a “city on a hill” (Matthew 5:14) calling the world to the Light and eternal Hope we carry, even in the midst of the deep darkness that will cover the earth (see Isaiah 60:2). We are going to see the collapse of the systems of this world, but rest assured child of God that the collapse is not meant for you. Monetary systems, businesses, government, and prominent leaders will fall – “but it will not come near you” (Psalm 91:7) so long as you lean on Jesus rather than the collapsing systems.

The Lord is positioning His church for our finest hour. From the beginning until now, we see that in the wake of every release of judgement, the Lord is faithful to preserve a remnant. This time is no different. There is a remnant and our King is calling us higher. There is a remnant and our King is calling us to gather. This is not a time to go underground. It is not a time to hide in fear. It is not a time to run to earthly solutions of human wisdom. It is a time to come away with Jesus onto the mountaintop, to let Him position us through the storms so we can be the city on a hill. The remnant is gathering on the mountaintop: away from the noise, away from the collapse, away from the fear and confusion of those who refuse to leave the collapsing systems. The remnant is gathering in the place of peace. The remnant is gathering on the higher ground of third heaven, taking our seats in heavenly places with Jesus and accessing the solutions of heaven for earth.



In the dream, I was surprised to see this Man I knew in the dream was my Husband. There was no fear in Him. There was a peace and an authority emanating from Him. And I knew the storms all around me were no match for Him. As soon as I saw Him, I knew in the deepest part of me that I was safe, that as long as I was with my Husband, I would be safe. I didn’t know where He was leading me, but He had a confident assurance and authority about Him that gave me such a deep and abiding peace, and I knew that if I was with Him I would be safe. I didn’t need to know where we were headed. I didn’t need to know where we were going to stay or how we would be provided for. We were headed into the wilderness, where there would be no man-made provisions and solutions. But it did not matter, because so long as my Husband was leading, I knew I would not need any earthly solutions because He would provide.

In the dream, I represent the bride of Christ. And Bride let me tell you, we have a perfect Husband. He is not worried. He is not concerned. He is the Prince of Peace, and there is no fear in Him. We don’t have to know where we are going, because our King is leading the way and every fear and every threat must bow in His presence. He is carrying the babies and calling the bride. He is gathering His remnant. When you see things collapsing all around you, listen for the voice of the Bridegroom. He is calling you higher, calling you to safety, calling you to glory: calling you to come to Him and step into your destiny, to gather with your family and enter the season in which the glory of the Lord rises upon you (Isaiah 60:1-2).

“Come away with Me, and be separate.” – The Bridegroom (see 2 Corinthians 6:17)

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3 ESV


“I Myself will Shepherd You”


“I Am Uprooting Fear”