They Cannot Go where You are Going
I heard the Lord say, "They cannot go where you are going."
To the one who feels abandoned by the one you never thought would leave,
To the one who feels rejected by those who should have had your back,
To the one misunderstood by those who should understand,
To the one who feels used or exploited by those for whom you poured so much,
I heard the Lord say, "They cannot go where you are going."
I don't know why they left.
I don't know why they can't understand.
I don't know why they don't see in the spirit like they once did.
But I know this: They cannot go where you are going.
Jesus has more.
He has higher heights and new places.
He's taking you into new land
And if they won't go, they won't go.
Don't let that stop you from going.
The places Jesus wants to take you are worth it.
The things He has around the corner will blow your mind.
It's worth the cost.
It's worth forsaking all.
It's worth being forsaken.
Your people are coming
Your tribe, the people you will run with - they're coming.
But for now, keep your eyes on the vision, and go where Jesus goes.
“...Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:2-3 ESV)
Proclaim the vision Jesus sees. Eventually the runners will come to run with the vision you see.
If they aren't running, they aren't your runners.
And that's okay.
The runners will come.
Until then, we will not let it stop us from going.
We will still go where Jesus goes.
I know it grieves something in you.
I know it has surprised you.
I know it is an unexpected cost.
But it's okay to let them go
Because they cannot go where you are going.
We will go where Jesus goes.
We will step into the new places He has for us to go.
We won't miss what He has, just because they won't come.
We won't let them keep us here, when Jesus is taking us there.
We will go where Jesus goes.