Jesus is Calling

In prayer this morning, something was stirring so strongly in my spirit. I pressed into what the Lord was saying and heard the heart cry of Jesus, the Bridegroom, calling out to His bride:

"Come out from among them, and be separate. Consecrate yourself to Me. I am My beloved's and she is Mine. I have held nothing back from you. Hold nothing back from Me. Everything you give Me is safe in My keeping. I am a good steward. I am Faithful King. I will never let you down. The price is high, but the reward is greater. Come away, My beloved. Leave all else behind. No other loves. No other pursuits. Choose to give Me all of you, so I can give you all of Me.
I have so much in store for you, so many portions of My Kingdom you have never seen. But I cannot show you if you hold back. Only those willing to go will go. I do not force you. You must choose to lay all else aside, to follow Me into glory.
Come up higher My people. Loose the bonds of this present world so you can come up higher. I have more. I have greater. I have beyond what you can ask for or imagine. But you cannot see it until you let go. Let go of fear. Let go of worry. Let go of the opinion of man. Let go of the concerns of this life. Those things weigh you down. Cast them off. Choose Me, beloved. I am a better Lover. I will love you better. I promise. Trust Me, and let go.
Come away with Me beloved. Your Bridegroom is calling. Come away with Me. My heart is longing to be with you, to have all of you, to be wholly united to you. Hold nothing back, please. I so desperately long for you."


I believe we are in a holy moment of a great divide. The Lord is separating His people from the world. And He is separating and purging our hearts from all other loves. It is a time of exposing on such a grand scale. Yes, prominent leaders with evil intent will be exposed, but judgement begins at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). And first, Jesus is purifying His bride. He intends to present a spotless bride to the Father (Ephesians 5:27). He does this out of His great love. A day of reckoning is coming, and He wants us purged of anything that could taint our reward.

"Behold, I am coming soon, and My recompense is with Me, to repay each one for what He has done." (Revelation 22:12 ESV)

It is time for harvest. And in the time of harvest, we reap what has been sown. Recompense can be good or bad, depending on what has been sown, and Jesus wants us to receive a good and pure recompense. He wants us to receive the fullness of our inheritance that has been preserved for us. That is why He is calling our hearts to purity, to freedom from anything that would prevent the fullness of our blessing.


It is time for us to let go. The hour is near and I feel the desperate urgency in the Lord's voice as He calls us to do the hard things, to "strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up" so we can "run with endurance the race God has set before us" (Hebrews 12:1).

We need purification from sin, and we also need to drop the weights.
It is time to drop the people pleasing, time to drop the fear of man. Time to cut ourselves off from seeking satisfaction in anything but Jesus. It is time we separate from our idols. Whoever rivals Jesus for the throne of my heart must go. I believe the Lord is calling so many to physical separation from idols in this hour, to take the drastic measures, to cut off temptations, tear down false altars, and burn the idol worship bridges.

It is not a time for games, and it is not a time to delay obedience. The Lord is coming and His reward is with Him. Jesus is calling to His beloved to come be with Him in the wilderness - in a sacred and set apart place where we will be safe and secure, preserved, refreshed, made strong, and empowered for the outpouring that is coming.
But first, we must come away with Him. First we must leave all else behind.

"If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else - your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters- yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26 NLT).

The cost is high, but the reward is so much greater. O friends, our reward is Jesus Himself. Nothing else compares. Jesus is better.

Sweet friends of Jesus, I know the season has been hard, but it is almost over. It is time to let the last little bit go. Hang on no longer. He has purged so much in us in this season, and the pruning has not been easy. But it is time to let the last bit go. Let go of offense. Let go of bitterness. Let go of anger. Let go of hurt. Let go of fear: the fear of rejection, the fear of lack, the fear of man, the fear of death.


It is a time for fasting like it has never been before in the earth. Many are being called to physically fast so we can allow the Lord to expose and purge our idols. Still more are being called to permanently fast from the unhealthy relationships and connections that feed the desires of the flesh and bring no glory to Jesus.

"Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?" (Isaiah 58:6 ESV).

Jesus wants freedom for us. The hour of salvation draws near. Harvest season is upon us. And we must be free ourselves in order to proclaim liberty to the captives. All else must go. Let the last little bit break.

Your Reward is calling. Sweet friends, Jesus is on the other side of your letting go of those weights. Listen, listen closely: Jesus is calling.


Pure Devotion to Jesus