Called to the Nations - Off to Uganda!
I am excited to announce I am headed to Uganda with Bethel Missions team in March 2023!
This mission trip is a fulfillment of desires and nudges the Lord has given me literally since childhood. I still distinctly remember the way my heart jumped as a little kid when I heard the story of Gladys Aylward, the first missionary I had ever heard of. I don’t remember exactly how old I was but I do remember the impact of that moment! Something leaped so strongly in my spirit as I connected to the heart of God for the nations.
While growing up, I continued to have such a deep heart for the nations, and there were a handful of nations in particular that seemed to keep coming up. My passion was so deep that in college I bought language learning materials and started teaching myself the language of one of the nations I had captured the Lord’s heart for.
Recently I have increasingly heard the Lord reiterate a call to the nations over and over again while spending time with Him in the secret place, but honestly (due to other conflicting voices) His words didn’t fully penetrate my heart and understanding until recently when I returned from Bethel School of the Prophets 2022 armed with having received reminder after reminder after confirmation after confirmation of the call of God on my life to the nations. A few days after returning from the conference, I literally broke down crying as realization washed over me that I had indeed been hearing Holy Spirit speak to my heart about the nations even as a young child, and in that moment I gave myself full permission to love the nations with the crazy love the Lord has placed in my heart all my life.
I committed to start regularly praying for several nations that seemed to keep coming up over and over again in my life and in my heart. Uganda was one of those nations.
I had been consistently praying for revival and freedom over Uganda for over a month before I even heard about the opportunity to travel to Uganda with Bethel. I started Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) in September, and the available mission trip options were made known soon after starting school. I was so excited to see Uganda on the list! I felt so strongly that the Lord had started preparing my heart and leading my prayers for the nation of Uganda on purpose to prepare me for this mission trip (and hopefully many more ministry opportunities in Uganda down the road!).
BETHEL'S VISION: The heart and passion of the Bethel Mission Trips Department is to see the sons and daughters of God in all the nations awaken to His goodness and love. As children of Heaven, we have access to His Kingdom and demonstrate His love, glory, and power in all aspects of society. Our strategy is to raise up a generation of world changers in their own nations to begin to run with their God-given inheritance to bring heaven to earth and transform their nation. This trip, through Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM), ultimately reflects the vision of the Bethel Short-Term Missions Department.
TRIP DESCRIPTION: The trip is expected to be a transformational trip both for me/those of us ministering as well as for the people we meet along the way. This mission trip will include crusades, street evangelism, ministry to orphans and widows, local church meetings & conferences with upcoming and established leaders, and service opportunities for the local church community. We know anything is possible as we say yes to the great things that God has prepared for us, and we are expectant to see many signs, miracles, and wonders, as the love and power of God is manifested through us. Our trip leader recently returned from Uganda and shared with us that they saw so many miracles and salvations among some of the least expected people groups and we are expectant for God to pour out even more in this next trip as we go from glory to glory!
I would be so honored if you would consider supporting me as I go out on mission with the love and power of God to Uganda!
TRIP DATES: March 15-28
Ways you can support me are: (1) prayer and (2) donating toward the trip costs. I truly believe that by partnering with me in these ways, the breakthroughs we see are credited to your account too! Your prayers are powerful and I know they will make a difference as you cover us and prophesy revival over every person we meet.
The fundraising milestones are:
§ $240 by Nov 4
§ $720 by Dec 2
§ $1200 by Jan 13
§ $1600 by Feb 10 (total trip cost $1600)
DONATION LINK: (link is through -> donate -> missions -> search Uganda or Amber Johnson)
*Donations are through Bethel Church, a 501(c)3 and therefore donations are tax-deductible
To donate by check (include with a note that says “Uganda – Amber Johnson”):
Bethel Church
ATTN: Short-Term Missions
20 Lake Boulevard
Redding, CA 96003
Thank you so much for considering partnering with me! I would love to pray over all of you who support me as well so please let me know how I can be praying for you too!
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give." – Matthew 10:8
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world." – James 1:27