Don’t Miss this Moment

Recently the Lord gave me a picture of a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon. I knew this was a picture of where I’m at, a season of metamorphosis into something new. I heard the Lord’s gentle whisper to my heart, “Don’t miss this moment.”

I thought about how one day it will be so beautiful to watch that butterfly fly. But there’s also a beauty in this moment: the breakthrough moment. Down the road, there will be many opportunities to watch the butterfly fly but there will never again be a moment like this: Never again will that butterfly have another chance to bust out of that cocoon. “Don’t miss this moment.”

The uncertainty of transition can make us want to rush past the discomfort and get to the place where the questions are answered. But in between promise and fulfillment is the land of faith and nothing pleases our King more than faith (see Hebrews 11:6).

Faith renews our imagination for its redeemed purpose: dreaming with God. Dreaming is not the same thing as problem-solving. Problem-solving looks at the problem. Dreaming looks at the possibilities. God is Creator of heaven and earth. He “gives life to the dead and calls things into being that were not” (Romans 4:17). When we echo the prophetic voice of the King, we get to speak life to dead places too. We get to partner with Him to call things that were not into being.

Right now, I’m still halfway in this cocoon. But right now I get to dream with Him about what it will be like to fly. I get to dream up the flight plans. I get to prophesy the things that are not into being. I get to dream with God. I get to create with the Creator.

We were created to be creative. He wants to hear our ideas, our dreams. I think there are so many things in His heart for us that He is just waiting for us to catch sight of. So many things that if we would just dare to dream, we would be met with the delight of the Creator as He responds, “I’ve been hoping you would think of that!”

It will take surrendering our desire to focus on problem-solving. The perceived problems resulting from our steps of faith are God’s job to figure out. Our job is to catch sight of the dreams. 

Are you in between promise and fulfillment? I imagine we all have one promise or another we’re waiting on. If so, I want to take the opportunity to invite us to dream, to co-create with our Creator. To prophesy the flight plans.

There are books to be written, businesses to launch, tools to be invented, and systems to be redesigned. Unwritten songs are waiting to be sung; unimagined buildings are waiting to be built. And as they come into being, the Kingdom is advancing on the heels of our creativity.

God isn’t afraid of the new. He’s excited by it. He proclaims over us, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19).

I pray that our hearts would be moved out from under the weight of worry and into the place of expectancy. May we catch heaven’s anticipation and see the beauty of this moment. May we not miss the opportunity to dream about flying, even as we push a little farther out of the cocoon.

 Photo credit: Julia Bazzi


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