“You Are Powerful” - Available May 14, 2022

I am excited to announce the publication date of my book, “You are Powerful: Embracing the Woman of Power and Purpose God Created You to Be” on May 14, 2022!

This book came out of what has been the most identity-forming season of my life. It was a season of being stripped of false sources of identity and a season of revealing so many lies I had come into agreement with without realizing. My view of my identity, especially my identity as a woman, had been rooted in lies from a spirit of religion and condemnation that had created a stronghold I couldn’t see past. I began unknowingly filtering everything pertaining to my identity through that religious stronghold, and since my interpretation made sense in the context of the stronghold, I didn’t question it.

Strongholds are so deceptively hard to break, because they set a context for the way we receive new information. This makes it so that we start to measure things according to whether or not they fit with the viewpoint created by the stronghold, rather than according to whether or not they line up with the truth of scripture. Strongholds are like information-filtering systems in our minds. They usurp the place of Holy Spirit, who is supposed to act as our filter system. We then start interpreting things according to the stronghold filter system, throwing out anything that doesn’t align with the stronghold, which then reinforces the strength of that stronghold.

Praise Jesus for conquering every work of the Enemy, for winning authority over all the powers of darkness (Ephesians 1:20-22), and for seating us with Him in that same position of authority over every force of darkness (Ephesians 2:6) and making it so “the weapons of our warfare… have divine power to demolish strongholds” and to “destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). With Jesus, no stronghold stands a chance.

My prayer is that Holy Spirit would speak through the pages of this book to set other women free to have the mind of Christ, seeing themselves through the filter system of Holy Spirit and letting no other filter systems speak in. This past year has been a year experiencing the true freedom of Jesus as I learn to receive His view of me and see the treasure He placed inside me as a woman, as a Kingdom woman, and as His daughter. Powerful Kingdom women, arise! This is our season. Your Redeemer-King has made all things new, and He is  longing for you to see yourself through His eyes and embrace the woman of power and purpose He created you to be.


Called to the Nations - Off to Uganda!